Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How To Make A PB and J

  1.  First open the door the the refrigerator and take out the jelly.
  2. Take the Pb and bread out of the cupboard.
  3. Open the Pb and j containers.
  4. Open the bread bag.
  5. Grab a butter knife from the silverware drawer.
  6. Take a plate from the plate compartment.
  7. Set 4 pieces of bread from the bread bag.
  8. Set everything on the same counter.
  9. Grab the knife and Pb jar.
  10. Stab the knife in and take chunk of Pb out.
  11. Put down the Pb container and grab piece of bread.
  12. Put the Pb on the bread and spread around.
  13. Put the piece of bread down with the Pb facing you.
  14. Lick knife and rinse off.
  15. Grab Jelly container and repeat step #10.
  16. Repeat step #11,12,13.
  17. Now set Pb on top of jelly bread. Have the Pb facing the jelly.
  18. Put tops on Pb and J containers.
  19. Close the bread bag.
  20. Put Pb and bread back in cupboard.
  21. Put Jelly back in the refrigerator .
  22. Lick knife clean and put in sink.
  23. Grab plate and sit down at table.
  24. ENJOY YOUR PB AND J.Chow down.

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